The Principles of Crystal Healing: A Journey through Energy and Balance

The Principles of Crystal Healing: A Journey through Energy and Balance


The principles of crystal healing are a fascinating topic that has captured the attention of many worldwide. This ancient practice, steeped in tradition and wisdom, harnesses the power of crystals to promote health and well-being. The science behind it is as intriguing as the crystals themselves, with each stone possessing unique properties and frequencies that can influence our physical, mental, and spiritual health.

Understanding Crystal Energy

At the heart of crystal healing is the concept of energy. Crystals, like everything else in the universe, are composed of energy. This energy is stored within the crystal and can be released or harnessed for various purposes. The most direct example of this is the use of crystals in technology, such as the CPU in a computer. This scientific basis for crystal energy is a testament to the potential power these stones hold.

Each crystal has its corresponding energy and unique frequency, much like the different types of traditional Chinese medicine. These energies have been accumulated and summarized by people who have been aware of crystals for many years. Some individuals, sensitive to crystal energy, can accurately perceive that crystals can act on certain parts of the human body, much like how ancient people could perceive the effects of different medications.

The Resonance Between Crystals and the Human Body

In traditional health preserving qigong, there are eight sensations related to the sense of qi, namely movement, itching, light, heavy, cold, warm, astringent, and slippery. These sensations are the reflections on the human body after the energy form of qi is transformed. Similarly, after wearing natural crystals for a long time, some sensitive people can perceive the wonderful connection between crystals and themselves. This is the consistency generated by the resonance between crystals and the human body at the same frequency.

Crystal Healing and Traditional Chinese Medicine

From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, when a problem occurs in a certain part of the body, it is because the lack of qi and blood leads to an imbalance in body regulation, resulting in the formation of lesions in the problem area. Crystal healing, like traditional Chinese medicine, aims to regulate the body's qi and blood as a whole, resolving the focus by guiding the flow of qi in the body's natural state. This approach not only avoids harm to the body but also effectively treats the disease.

Crystal healing can improve some frequency disorders and qi disorders in the human body through the vibration frequency of the crystal itself. Crystal therapy is a very rigorous discipline, and in crystal therapy, various factors caused by individual differences need to be taken into account. Only through professional allocation can one create a more suitable crystal combination for personal healing.


The principles of crystal healing offer a unique perspective on health and wellness. By understanding the energy and frequencies of different crystals, we can harness their power to promote healing and well-being. Whether you're new to the world of crystal healing or a seasoned practitioner, these principles provide a foundation for understanding and utilizing the remarkable power of crystals.

keywords: Principles of Crystal Healing, Crystal Energy, Resonance, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Crystal Therapy


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